Key to the figure thumbnails above:
A shows a monolith that has been "pecked" at with sharp stones
B This one has been hammered flat leaving an unnatural pockmarked effect - almost "panel beaten"
C The left region of the stone has been very highly smoothed, in sharp relief to the original surface visible to the right
D This almost ethereal face has been carefully chiselled with sharp stones, this has enabled the artist to represent the area from the nose to the chin in astonishing detail
E This wonderful primitive face has been fashioned by brute force mauling leaving distinctive curvy conchoidal surfaces
F The eye panel here has been beaten flat and then marvellously smoothed
G The unnaturally indented mouth has a curiously linear "scooped out" feel to it. Notice the unnatural "definiteness" to the top lip!
H The artist has found a naturally ocurring roothole in the sarsen, and expanded it leaving a "terraced" effect in the outer eye socket