Stone Birds Of Avebury

There are several shapes among the stones which remind me strongly of birds. These images show the three kinds of imagery visibile on the Avebury monoliths generally. By this I mean that one is wholly pareidolic, another is entirely artificially carved, and the third is perhaps a mixture of both.
The context or position of these stone images, as always at Avebury, is important. The song bird faces sunrise and it was intended to sing to the rising, life giving sun. Conversely, the owl faces west, the realm of sunset and the onset of night/death. The remaining bird has a wicked, tearing beak, perhaps well suited to the sky burial the neolithic creators of Avebury knew, and must have feared, so well.
Please click on the thumbnails below for larger images:.

Wicked Beak

Owl (Night/Death)

Song Bird (Dawn/Re-birth)