Objects for April, May and June


"The shape of cancer always reminds me of a very dim and ghostly Orion" - Patrick Moore


Canes Venatici

Globular Cluster M3 - "... small, bright glowing disk several minutes of arc across, embedded in a large faint halo best seen with averted vision" - Crossen.   M3 is nearly half way on a line from Arcturus to Alpha Canes Venatici (Cor Caroli). Speaking of Cor Caroli (Charles' Heart), it is named in honour of Charles II.  R H Allen wrote that the star was so named "at the suggestion of the court physician, Sir Charles Scarborough, who said that it had shone with special brilliancy on the eve of the king's return to London on the 29th May, 1660".

Galaxy M51 - The famous Whirlpool Galaxy:



I have seen M51 with 7x50s and averted vision as a small grey smudge of light, much more compact than I expected.




Galaxies M65 and M66

I have never been able to find these two, but I will keep looking!

Ursa Major

Galaxies M81 and M82, Planetary Nebula M97

M81 & M82: